NEXUS Gains is leading integrated modeling efforts to uncover critical linkages and trade-offs at different levels. In the Ganges Basin, they have used hydrological models and the FABLE Calculator to simulate water–energy–food–ecosystems (WEFE) scenarios, providing insights to support policy and decision-making processes.
The GLP 5th Open Science Meeting provided an important platform for scientific exchange, where the FABLE Consortium showcased its work in over 20 presentations. These discussions offered valuable feedback to refine our methods, improve our pathways, and strengthen our role in supporting governments with long-term strategies on food and land-use systems.
The 15th FABLE Consortium meeting in Oaxaca brought together experts from governments, academia, and international organizations to tackle sustainable food and land-use challenges and use the FABLE Calculator to enhance policy coherence and align local actions with global objectives.
IAMs are invaluable tools for exploring linkages and feedbacks among social, economic, and ecological systems, but further development is needed for them to more effectively inform policy.
On May 28th, upon the initiative of the Director of Agrifood Economics Division (ESA), David Laborde, and the Chief Economist, Maximo Torero, the FABLE secretariat organized a one-day training on the FABLE Calculator for 33 staff members coming from 9 FAO divisions.
SDG 2 was one the SDGs under review at the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) this year. In this blog, the FABLE Scientific Director shares a summary of where we stand in achieving SDG2 as well as reflections from the Expert Group Meeting on SDG2 and the HLPF 2024.
The UK FABLE team, in collaboration with the Land Use for Net Zero (LUNZ) hub, is developing new pathways for sustainable land use in the UK. By bringing together experts from various sectors, this collaboration aims to provide scientific evidence for developing policies that achieve net zero emissions while supporting nature and people.
The FABLE Consortium presents new pathways for food and land-use systems in 22 countries, 6 regions, and globally. These pathways are the result of the 2023 Scenathon, a decentralized global modelling exercise involving 89 researchers worldwide. The findings are highlighted in the 9th edition of the Sustainable Development Report (SDR) by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
The Gambia faces significant food availability issues due to low agricultural productivity. The FABLE Calculator was used to explore actions to reduce the food supply-demand gap by 2050. The results, published in Food Security, reveal that current cropland will not meet food demand by 2050. Solutions include improved fertilizer use, sustainable irrigation, and climate-resilient crops, coupled with supportive policies.
Bob Van Oort, FABLE Norway, highlights the urgent need for practical, locally implementable solutions to reduce food system emissions in the latest NORAD session on the World Bank's new report 'A Recipe for a Livable Planet'. He emphasizes the role of high-income countries in leading by example to support global sustainability efforts.
The recent workshop hosted by FABLE Greece underlined the Mediterranean diet's potential to transform Greece's food and land-use system. Through scenarios designed with the FABLE Calculator, stakeholders learned about the implications that such a dietary shift could have on emissions and costs. From aligning with EU goals to structural reforms, the discussions offered a pragmatic view of the path ahead.
In a recent policy brief, the FABLE Consortium analyzed the UN Food System (UNFS) Pathways across 18 FABLE countries. Results shows that UNFS pathways prioritize food and nutrition security and economic development, over climate and biodiversity, and underscore the need to integrate the UNFS pathways with quantitative trajectories and modeling tools for building effective roadmaps.
Vartika Singh, from FABLE India, has been awarded with the GLASSNET Early Career Research Grant. Join her journey as she recounts her enriching experiences during her visit to Cornell University, where she engaged in scientific exchanges and collaborations.
The new Horizon Europe project, CHOICE, unites sixteen partners from five European countries, Colombia, and South Africa, towards one goal: Pave the way to 2050 Zero Emission by driving efficient demand-side climate mitigation in the Food, Agriculture, and Land Use sectors.
Bob van Oort, from FABLE Norway, highlights the importance of adopting a broader perspective in Norway's recent food system dialogue. Emphasizing the need for a broad vision, he calls for a shift to adapt what we grow to the needs of people, health, and the planet.
The FABLE UK team collaborated with the Welsh Government to create a sub-national Calculator for nature-positive, carbon-neutral land use. The pathways, tailored to Welsh policy needs, have effectively supported policy decisions.
In Ethiopia, researchers from the Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, the International Water Management Institute, and Policy Studies Institute, held a two-day stakeholder consultation workshop, gathering stakeholders to discuss results from nexus tools in managing natural resources in the Blue Nile River Basin and beyond.
In light of the recent Consortium meeting in Bariloche, we delve into Argentina's food and land-use system, the need for reforms and public-private collaboration, and the new challenges ahead.
Scientists and policy experts exchanged about solutions to strengthen climate and biodiversity strategies, bridge science-policy gaps, and build innovative tools for food and land-use modelling that can support local policymaking.
As part of this year's Scenathon, FABLE has launched a public consultation to seek input from diverse stakeholders and refine pathways for sustainable food and land use, enhancing their practicality for shaping national and global policies.
With a rapidly growing population and unresolved food security issues, Ethiopia is continuously seeking an effective pathway towards sustainable development.
NEXUS Gains’ latest webinar, ‘Country-driven nexus food and land use system pathways to achieve global goals’, took an in-depth look at the work of the FABLE Consortium to develop long-term pathways for sustainable food and land-use systems.
Sarah K. Jones, FABLE Secretariat and co-lead of the Food Planet Prize-Winning Agrobiodiversity Index, introduces the agroecological practice module for the FABLE Calculator and explains why agrobiodiversity is a game changer for sustainable food systems.
The first country-focused policy brief by FABLE, led by the Colombia team in collaboration with IIASA, assesses the impacts of Colombian deforestation and restoration policies. The team modeled their effects on land use, agricultural production, and greenhouse gas emissions under different pathways.
In a podcast by UN SDG:Learn, Aline Mosnier, FABLE Scientific Director, and Sarah Jones, FABLE's biodiversity and agroecology expert, speak about challenges and solutions to identify synergies between biodiversity conservation and agricultural production.
The FABLE Brazil team shares the highlights from President Lula's first days in office, including bold actions to halt deforestation, empower indigenous communities and achieve food security.
In an interview with the UK Geospatial Commission, Paula Harrison, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and FABLE UK, shares her insights on creating effective land use decision making tools.
The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use and Energy (FABLE) Consortium's publication in Sustainability Science collects insights from 20 countries.
FABLE India on Indian Express states that four out of the five key focus areas at the upcoming COP-27 can be directly impacted by changing food habits and adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.
FABLE Scientific Director, Aline Mosnier, contributes to Chapter 6 'Transforming food systems'. The transformation should focus on the protection of natural ecosystems, demand-side dietary changes, improvements in food production at the farm level and decarbonization of food supply chains.
The latest policy brief by the FABLE Consortium encourages countries to identify priority actions in national food and land use systems that contribute to the achievement of net zero targets and hold global warming below 2˚C.
WWF analyses different food system types and outlines the transformation levers that countries can implement for a healthy and sustainable food future. The report calls on policymakers to develop country-specific roadmaps building on the work accomplished by the FABLE Consortium.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) seeks to strengthen international cooperation for the implementation of the Macro-basin Strategic Plans (PEM), in line with Colombia's 2021 Climate Action Law 2169.
FABLE UK and FABLE Argentina shared with the international scientific community their experiences of successful engagement with policymakers using FABLE modelling tools.
The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium holds its 10th Consortium Meeting from the 8th to the 10th of June 2022 in Brussels.
Without action, this century will see many more species go extinct. Halting biodiversity loss calls for all countries to act now to transform how we produce, consume, and manage resources.
An SDSN co-convened policy workshop with EU policymakers, representatives from European think tanks and UN agencies for discussion with FABLE country teams – attending both in person and online.
20 countries’ combined experiences have helped identify solutions to both conserve biodiversity and mitigate climate change, while meeting food security goals. A conversation with scientist Sarah Jones explores why it’s not too late to act.
All 1.5°C global warming scenarios call for carbon removal. Natural systems provide the most readily available mechanisms, so how can these be boosted to the levels required?
SDSN launched a policy brief to present the case for the need to integrate nature and climate. The brief outlines practical steps, drawing on spatial planning, to operationalize the 30x30 target and meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The FABLE Finland team presents how researchers and policymakers have co-developed shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) with stakeholders for the agriculture and food sector in Finland up to 2050 and beyond. The resulting study was recently published in Regional Environmental Change.
The FABLE Consortium launched a policy brief series intended to advise national governments on sustainable food and land-use pathways. The brief examines the implications of healthier dietary shifts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, deforestation, and agricultural production and trade, should these shifts take place.
The FABLE Consortium, the Food System Economics Commission (FSEC), and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) convened a side event during the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) Science Days to share learnings from country-level pathways to the global food policy debate.
As the climate emergency continues to accelerate, agricultural policy and research must consider how to sustainably increase agricultural productivity with fewer environmental drawbacks. Policymakers need to know not only what and how much food is being produced, but at what environmental cost. Russia, a major food exporter, can reduce these costs by taking action in three areas.
The FABLE Consortium launched its 2020 report, 'Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems'. This second global report presents pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems for 20 countries. Its findings suggest that integrated strategies across food production, biodiversity, climate, and diets can meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Over 80 participants from 20 FABLE country teams, the FABLE Secretariat (composed of SDSN, IIASA, EAT, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), and the Food and Land Use Coalition met for the 6th Consortium Meeting from April 20 - 22, 2020.
The UK, Mexico, Russia and Colombia country teams of the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Pathways Consortium recently engaged with national stakeholders using the FABLE tools to support policymaking.
In the article “Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5°C world”, international researchers reviewed mitigation pathways to develop a land-sector roadmap for achieving the 1.5°C Paris Agreement target. Transforming the land sector could contribute to 30% of the global mitigation needed to achieve this target by 2050.
The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Pathways Consortium met for its 5th Consortium Meeting from the 19th to the 22nd of November 2019 in Beijing, China.
The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium, a collaborative initiative operating as part of the Food and Land-Use Coalition (FOLU), launches its first report, 'Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems'.
The FABLE Consortium met for its 4th Consortium Meeting from 4 to 7 June 2019 at the SDG Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (SDG Center for LAC) in Bogota, Colombia. More than 50 participants worked on advancing the high-level technical analysis of FABLE.
In a comment in Nature, researchers lay out a solution for climate change and food security that draws on an integrated view of agriculture, biodiversity, trade, and nutrition.
The FABLE Consortium met for its 3rd Consortium Meeting from December 3-5, 2018, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Potsdam, Germany. Close to 60 participants came together to advance the collective work of the Consortium through cooperative and constructive dialogue and knowledge sharing.
The FABLE Consortium met for its second full consortium meeting on 6-8 June at IIASA in Austria. Close to 30 FABLE country team members met to refine the FABLE pillars for sustainable land-use and food systems, which summarize the action agenda for sustainable food and land-use systems and will guide FABLE’s analytical work.
As part of the FABLE Consortium, SDSN participated in the 2nd Annual Conference on Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy (14-15 May, Addis Ababa) which also launched the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) in Ethiopia.
FABLE’s South American country teams, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia met in Bariloche to collaborate on the development of a regional approach to long-term FABLE pathways, data sharing and enhancement of the South American regional GLOBIOM model.
The newly established Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land Use and Energy (FABLE) Pathways Consortium held its inaugural meeting on 6-8 December 2017 at IIASA in Vienna to discuss how countries can develop integrated pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems.
The SDSN and IIASA are launching the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy (FABLE) Initiative to develop consistent global and national pathways towards sustainable land use and food systems by 2050.