Shifting to Mediterranean Diet and crosssector implications for Greece: Evidence from the FABLE Calculator

The recent workshop hosted by FABLE Greece underlined the Mediterranean diet's potential to transform Greece's food and land-use system. Through scenarios designed with the FABLE Calculator, stakeholders learned about the implications that such a dietary shift could have on emissions and costs. From aligning with EU goals to structural reforms, the discussions offered a pragmatic view of the path ahead.

Author: Professor Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AE4RIA, FABLE Greece), Konstantinos Dellis (AE4RIA, FABLE Greece).

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the network of AE4RIA researchers, lead of FABLE Greece, organized an insightful workshop titled “Shifting to Mediterranean Diet and cross-sector implications for Greece.” Held as a hybrid event, with both in-person attendees at the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center in Athens, Greece, and virtual participants, the workshop aimed to delve into the significance of transitioning to a Mediterranean diet and its broader implications across various sectors within Greece.

Workshop overview:

The workshop served as an opportunity to present the work accomplished through the AE4RIA Network on sustainable food systems, emphasizing the importance of adopting the Mediterranean diet, and its alignment with the EU Green Deal and climate neutrality objectives for Greece.

The team introduced the Mediterranean diet scenario in the FABLE Calculator, and presented results compared to current trends. Notably, adopting this diet would significantly reduce agricultural emissions, especially through the abating demand effect on the livestock sector, thus contributing to the sector's gradual decarbonization. Combining healthy dietary patterns with structural reforms as the ones outlined in Greece’s National Commitments results in a substantial drop in emissions, as shown in FABLE calculations from the 2023 Scenathon. Adhering to these national commitments would reverse negative effects on agricultural production caused by a standalone shift to a Mediterranean diet, leading to a significant reduction in production costs in the agricultural sector.

Outcomes and recommendations:

The workshop facilitated a robust discussion on the challenges facing the Greek agricultural sector, particularly following the devastating extreme weather events of 2023, emphasizing the need for radical transformation. Experts from various domains, including doctors specialized in Mediterranean diet, dieticians, and agricultural researchers, provided valuable inputs on targeted policies to promote dietary shifts and streamline incentives at the national level.

Key outcomes included:

FABLE Results

Mediterranean diet

Agricultural emissions

Agricultural production

Questionnaire (ongoing)

Mediterranean Diet – Relevance to Climate Change Mitigation

Alignment of current Greek policies to Mediterranean diet promotion

Alignment of EU Green Deal to Mediterranean diet promotion

Meet the FABLE Greek team