The FABLE Consortium has developed new pathways to promote ambitious policies to achieve targets related to agricultural productivity, reduced environmental footprint, and diet shifts. The results are featured in the 9th edition of the Sustainable Development Report (SDR) by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
These parthways result from the FABLE Scenathon, an iterative process that aligns national and regional pathways with global sustainability targets, ensuring coherent trade assumptions. This Scenathon edition involved 22 country teams representing 60% of the world's terrestrial land and 4.5 billion people. To ensure global representation, the remaining countries were organized into six 'rest of world' regions.
The Scenathon results were compared with the global targets across three pathways which depict alternative narratives of the future:
• Current Trends: a low-ambition trajectory based on historical trends and existing policies, offering a glimpse into a future heavily reliant on the current level of implementation and enforcement.
• National Commitments: attempts to predict how food and land systems will evolve if national strategies, pledges, and targets concerning climate, biodiversity, and food systems are met. This is based on a review of policy documents that describe the national climate and biodiversity strategies, the UN food system pathway, the national dietary guidelines, and other relevant policy documents for food and land systems.
• Global Sustainability: identifies how additional actions could be taken to help fill remaining gaps between aggregated national and regional pathways and the collectively agreed global sustainability targets.