Meet the FABLE Finland team

The team is led by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), a sectoral research institute of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, works under the Ministry of agriculture and forestry of Finland. Luke has a significant role in research, development and decision support related to sustainable agriculture, food economy and forestry, all under green transition.

The team’s main areas of interest have been food security (self-sufficiency and sustainability of food production), GHG emissions from agriculture, and policy effects on agricultural production and GHG emissions. New area of research is GHG emissions from forestry, including forest management on peatlands.

Models used by the team: FABLE Calculator.

Contact focal point

Heikki Lehtonen

Heikki Lehtonen

Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

Janne Ramo

Janne Rämö

Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

Transforming food and land-use systems in Finland

Finnish agriculture emits a relatively high amount of greenhouse gases (approximately 16 Mt CO2 eq./year) in comparison to its production output. This is attributed to the large number of peatlans used in agriculture and forestry, which accounts for 11% of agricultural land and produces over 50% of agricultural GHG emissions.

Despite efforts to reduce fertilization and GHG emissions from peatlands, overall emissions have remained stable since 2000, as the gradual expansion of peatland area in agricultural production has offset decreasing emissions from cattle and fertilization. While EU CAP policies mainly focus on water protection and biodiversity maintenance, few have focused on reducing GHG emissions, resulting in a decrease in biodiversity.

There is a high demand for more effective policy measures for land use change, but their implementation remains challenging under the current EU CAP, as incentives for farmers and landowners are relatively few. Some agricultural cooperatives have taken the challenge of GHG mitigation and Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) seems to be a promising and viable means of reducing GHG emissions from forest peatlands. However, strong incentives for landowners are still missing, and in many cases, the benefits of CCF, often specific to local conditions, are not yet well understood.

Key national objectives and targets

Policy engagement

The team participates in various research and development projects, providing analyses for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. For example, Huuskonen et al. (2023) and Miettinen et al. (2022) have provided quantitative assessments of different future visions and pathways for Finnish agriculture, with a focus on GHG emissions and other environmental effects.

The team also collaborates with other national research institutions on various projects, including the Sompa project and JustFood. Their analyses on different integrated pathways and transitions in agriculture, land use change, and forestry are utilized in national action plans for GHG mitigation and biodiversity. They also contribute to reports such as the National Communications and Biennial Reports to the Climate Convention (UNFCCC).


  • FABLE (2020). Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems. 2020 Report of the FABLE Consortium. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Laxenburg and Paris. 10.22022/ESM/12-2020.16896. Finland chapter.
  • FABLE (2019). Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems. 2019 Report of the FABLE Consortium. Laxenburg and Paris: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). Pathway for India.